Meriam Ibrahim

Meriam Ibrahim Arrives in New Hampshire - Statement from Katrina Lantos Swett

"Over the past several months the world has watched with bated breath as Meriam Ibrahim, a beautiful young mother from Sudan, defied the prosecutors and persecutors in her country who had threatened her with whippings and death if she did not renounce her Christian faith. Meriam refused to give in to this state sponsored intimidation and even gave birth to her new daughter while shackled in a Sudanese prison. Mrs. Ibrahim is a true profile in courage and dignity and has inspired advocates for religious liberty and human rights around the world. Thankfully, she has now arrived in New Hampshire where she and her family will be able to live in security and peace. It is fitting that the Granite State will be Meriam's new home. Our well known motto in New Hampshire is "Live free or die", exemplifying our profound commitment to individual liberty and fundamental human rights. Meriam Ibrahim is a living embodiment of this creed and from her example we should all draw renewed determination to stand up for the rights and dignity of people in every corner of the world."