Ensuring that the legacy of Tom Lantos lives on to inspire future generations

  • We were closely involved in the resolution that institutionalized the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, co-founded by Congressman Tom Lantos, as the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.

  • We collaborated with the Hungarian government on the founding of the Tom Lantos Institute, a Budapest-based organization dedicated to human rights and minority rights, in particular Jewish, Roma and Hungarian minority communities. At our invitation, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice both spoke at the launch event, held in the Hungarian Parliament.

  • We worked in partnership with the Tom Lantos Institute on the publication of The Noble Banner of Human Rights: Essays in Memory of Tom Lantos. This collection of essays, co-edited by Dr. Lantos Swett, was published in 2018, marking the 90th anniversary of Tom Lantos’ birth and the 10th anniversary of his passing. Former Vice-President (later President) Joe Biden wrote an introductory tribute for the book.

  • We have supported the creation and dedication of numerous tributes to Tom’s memory and legacy, including public statues erected in Budapest, Hungary and Netanya, Israel.